Monday 13 May 2013

Love Tester

He is sweet and you feel attracted to him, aren't you? Would you like to get to know him even better since it might save you from future frustrations and tears? Only smart and intelligent people make their best to get to know people in advance and by this avoid the pitfalls of a painful or even a disastrous relationship. So what questions to ask your boyfriend?

There are endless number of questions one might ask a guy, but which ones are important and which are not? And can you understand a person by simply asking some questions? Is there a true and working answer for this? The good news are - yes, there is!

Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester

Love Tester

It turns out that two people get along the best only if they have very close emotional attitude towards life. Think about your best friend - the one you spend most of the time together. Do you feel the same or very close emotions toward things? Like movies, parents, restaurants, boys and so on? Do you both mostly feel enthusiastic or critical about things or people?

The simple fact is that to get along with a guy is the easiest if you too would feel the same about things - movies, restaurants, people around and so on. And even better if you feel the same while really agreeing with each other. You don't have to agree on everything - just enough to feel close to one another and easy to talk with.

Sometimes when you talk to a person and crash into a subject where you disagree with one another, it's like someone has just put a wall between you and the conversation dies in that direction. And when there are too many such reefs between you - than you don't really want to keep talking to that person anymore and there goes a friendship.

So about the questions to ask a boyfriend, there is one more good thing - if you already like the guy, than most probably you are already close in your emotions and agree on many things you both know or like.

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